Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles(ended WWI)

The treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed on June 28th 1919 by the League of Nations, it was directed to punish the German's for the poor outcome of World War I durning WWI Germany was blamed for all the deaths.Russia disagreed to separate peace from Germany so Russia was excecuted and Geremany gained a large part of Russia's land and resources. The treaty featured 440 Articles, it ended the state of war between Germany and Allied Powers. As a punishment to the German's they had to pay alot of money [billions] to the effected countries durning WWI but the Germans reacted to the punishment by printing more money but the countries that were being paid lowered the value of the German dollar,close to nothing which destroyed the German economy. Another punishment was that Germany had to give up some of there land, citizens began to abandon Germany because Germany practicly had nothing anymore. The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany so much that the German people were desprate for someone to lead them out of there misfortune. Hitler stepped in and promised Germany that he would regain what was taken away from them, the Germans followed him and then began WW2. The Treaty of Versailles "was so bad that it started WW2 20 years later."

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