Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film Lesson - "Gandhi"

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also known as Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869. He helped his nation India to get independence. He helped by boycotting and using non-violence, he boycotted buying British clothing because it wasn't fair that the Indian made clothing and then the British sold it to them again, so Gandhi told the Indian to make their own clothing and if the British had a problem they shouldn't use violence to get what they want. Gandhi also boycotted buying British salt. Gandhi made a march called the "Salt March" in which he walked 240 miles to the ocean to make his own salt and sell it. The Indians followed Ganhdi and respected him, he was a civil rights activist. In the film it showed how serious he was about using non violence like for example when the Indians were using violence by setting fire where the police were Gandhi was upset and stopped eating to demonstrate that he was serious about non violence.
Gandhi was respected and he didn't even have much power he was poor, it just goes to show that anyone can make a difference. Gandhi had to go to London and meet with the high people so he could make India independent and not be ruled by the British anymore and live under the threat of being beaten or told what to do. He was murdered in the year of 1948, but he is now a legend.

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