Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

After World War II, the European countries were ready to transfer government to the Africans but they didn't know how, the Africans wanted to be elected not nominated and represtatives. The Africans wanted "freedom now." The leader of the nonviolent protests was Kwame Nkrumah, he was a teacher and he spent serval years studing in the U.S. In the 1940's he worked on liberating the Gold Coast from the British, Kwame Nkrumah made boycotts and organized strikes. but he was imprisoned by the British often, but his efforts were a success. In 1957 the Gold Coast recived it's independence and was renamed Ghana. Nkrumah became the first prime minister and later president for life of Ghana. British settlers took over farmland of the northern highlands of Kenya, they resisted independence of Kenya, they were forced to accept black self government. One strong leader of Kenyan nationalist was Jomo Kenyatta, he was a "Kikuyu" educated in London. He was imprisoned by the British also but then in 1963 Kenya won it's independence, a negative part of this was the more then 10,000 black Kenyans were killed and 100 Kenyans were killed. Kenyatta became president of Kenya, he worked hard to unite the different ethincs and languages in the country. Kenyatta died in 1978.  In 1955 Africa was mainly colonies there were 5 independent countries, by 1975 Most of Africa was full of independent countries, except 3. 

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