Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid is a racial segregation policy of the government of South Africa from 1948 to 1994. Under the apartheid system, nonwhites-classified as Bantu, colored (mixed), or Indian-did not share full rights of citizenship with the white minority. For example, black people could not vote in parliamentary[a legislative assembly in certain countries] elections, and until 1990 many public facilities and institutions were restricted to the use of one race only. Nelson Mandela is such a hero because he fought for Unity and Liberation today, Africa Is Healing the Wounds of Racism and Apartheid, he fought for the independence of South Africa. Mandela was in the ANC's [African National Congress] fight to promote non-violence methods to gain freedom and justice. He also tried to stop the Apartheid. Nelson Mandela was in jail for 26 years but when he got out he wrote a book called "Long Walk To Freedom". The book was about his struggle to overcome segregation and have freedom. People admired him because he still continued to fight for his country.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

After World War II, the European countries were ready to transfer government to the Africans but they didn't know how, the Africans wanted to be elected not nominated and represtatives. The Africans wanted "freedom now." The leader of the nonviolent protests was Kwame Nkrumah, he was a teacher and he spent serval years studing in the U.S. In the 1940's he worked on liberating the Gold Coast from the British, Kwame Nkrumah made boycotts and organized strikes. but he was imprisoned by the British often, but his efforts were a success. In 1957 the Gold Coast recived it's independence and was renamed Ghana. Nkrumah became the first prime minister and later president for life of Ghana. British settlers took over farmland of the northern highlands of Kenya, they resisted independence of Kenya, they were forced to accept black self government. One strong leader of Kenyan nationalist was Jomo Kenyatta, he was a "Kikuyu" educated in London. He was imprisoned by the British also but then in 1963 Kenya won it's independence, a negative part of this was the more then 10,000 black Kenyans were killed and 100 Kenyans were killed. Kenyatta became president of Kenya, he worked hard to unite the different ethincs and languages in the country. Kenyatta died in 1978.  In 1955 Africa was mainly colonies there were 5 independent countries, by 1975 Most of Africa was full of independent countries, except 3. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson "The Right Stuff"

The US and USSR were competing in the film "The Right Stuff"in a technical race, for example going to space first. The USSR [Russians] were in the lead because they sent a person to the moon. The US sent a monkey but when it reached the atmosphere the monkey fell, but they had a parachute. So the US failed to attempt going higher then the Russians, even though  the US put a satellite first called "Sputnita". The scene in the film that will help me remember the Cold War is when the US broke the sound barrier for the first time but they didn't want any press around for the Russians to find out. 

Monday, April 12, 2010


NATO was an organization made by countries that include Europe and North America. NATO stands North Atlantic Treaty. The major reason for the formation of NATO was that the countries involved would get a mutual defense alliance so that if one of  them were attacked all of  the other countries in NATO would come to help, as part of the alliance. The countries involved were USA, Canada, France, Britain, Benelux, Denmark, Iceland, Italy,Portugal and Greece, NATO consist of 28 independent countries. The Warsaw Pact was a organization made in (1955-91) by the 8 communist states in Eastern Europe. The countries were the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czecholovakia, Eastern Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. The Warsaw Pact was to threat the NATO countries, it became weaker at the end of the Cold War in 1991.